I add Silken tofu when I make a fruit smoothie to add protein. I've actually tricked my husband into trying my tofu smoothies in the past and he had no idea there was anything "weird" in it!
You see firmer types of tofu used a lot in Asian cooking, and since I learned how to prep the tofu better, I've been able to use it successfully in a variety of stir-fry dishes. Usually when you take the tofu out of its container, it has been soaking in water, so it is pretty moist when you begin. In order to get the tofu ready for cooking, follow these simple steps:
Pressing Tofu:
1. Drain the block of tofu and cut it as your recipe directs.
2. Lay the tofu out onto a few layers of paper towel.
3. Top with a few more layers of paper towel and place a heavy pan or plate on top.
4. Let the tofu sit for 10-15 minutes with the pressure on it, gently pressing down on occasion. 

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