
Full of Heart(s)- A Breakfast to Remember!

Whether you feel Valentine's Day is a dumb "Hallmark Holiday" or a perfectly delightful reason to make love & not war-these thoughtful, inexpensive and romantical breakfast ideas will keep things warm & fuzzy, if you know what I mean... ;-)

Me and the hubster have been together for over 11 years now- more than 1/3 of our lives! And I can honestly say I can recall many of the Valentine's Day's we've spent together. It's a bit of a struggle for us in February because his birthday is the 13th & mine is the 21st, so often we have smooshed all the Feb events into 1 large celebration together. And let's face it- all this stuff costs money. Chicks want jewelry, flowers & expensive dinners for their birthday's, so it goes double for Valentine's Day!! And on the contrary, guys want a great meal (regardless of price) & something sport's related, like a new golf club or dry-fit shirt.

What are the commonalities? FOOD! It always goes back to food, as it should- and when it roles around to Valentine's Day, it doesn't matter if you think its a lame occasion or a perfect justification to devote all your love & attention to that someone special.

Breakfast, overall, is a very overlooked meal! Imagine on Tuesday, sneaking out of bed a little early in the morning to prepare a few of the following ideas, then turning on the coffee pot and letting the aroma awaken your lovie. I can almost promise the rest of the day will feel fantastic, and full of love:)

Ingredients & Recipe: (printable link)
Heart-Shaped Hard Boiled Eggs-
(idea from http://www.annathered.com/)

~ Eggs (as many as desired)
~ A milk or juice carton (cut open, washed and dried) -OR- ziplock bag box covered in a piece of plastic wrap.
~ A round chopstick or another round utencil
~ 2 rubberbands

  1. First cut the milk carton or ziplock box in half, lengthwise. Cover with a piece of plastic wrap to keep things nice & clean.
  2. Hard boil your eggs. Peel once it's cooked & slightly cooled. Set aside and keep warm until your "contraption" is all set.
  3. Place the egg lengthwise (while it's still warm) into the box/carton. Place the chopstick or round utencil across the center of the egg, then place rubberbands on both ends.
  4. Set the "contraption" into the fridge for a minimum of 10-15 minutes.
  5. Finally, remove the egg from the "contraption" and slice in half. Your heart is now ready to serve to your love.
Other Great "Heart"-filled ideas for Breakfast:

Serve your warm egg with some yummy heart-shaped bacon. Perfectly place your uncooked bacon strips into the shape of a heart on your skillet. Cook it low and slow so it doesn't lose it's shape.
  • Use cookie cutters to cut a heart shape from a piece of toast, a few blueberry pancakes, or a slice of melon.

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