
Bachelor Basics: Fool-Proof Wine-Pairing

Any wine usually goes for me, but when you want to make a special meal sometimes it puts the icing on the cake to have the perfect bottle of wine to compliment your hard work! Guys...this will certainly impress a date when you're able to say that you "picked this Chardonnay because you knew it would go good with the garlic and Parmesan cheese in the dinner I made tonight".

Now see? That wasn't snooty, arrogant or pompous! You didn't have to get into all the craziness and seriousness of true wine-pairing, but you were able to tell your lady that you took the time and really thought things out- which is really all she wants!!

How will you know which wine to buy for a specific dinner? Use this awesome website to do all the work for you!

  1. Choose your dish
  2. Choose your spices (what flavors does the meal have the most of)
  3. Done! You'll see a list of appropriate wines for your meal!
  4. Pass it on to your other bachelor friends!

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